2010 – 2014 : Holographic Interface Design


At 2010, I became interested in Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality as an amazing immersive platform for the video games, and implemented a 3D stereoscopic library of instructions in C++. Later in 2011, this library is developed into a flexible, powerful, and easy to use (but not time efficient) C# library (called GraphicBox). In 2011, I built a holographic user interface for GraphicBox using Microsoft Kinect, which was similar to Microsoft Hololens but five years prior to it.

Similar to Microsoft Hololens, GraphicBox holographic interface can track the user’s head to show stable virtual objects in front of the user regarding their head movements, so the user could see different views of a virtual object by changing their head position. GraphicBox interface also tracks the user’s fingertip, so the user can use their fingertip to click or manipulate virtual objects as a 3D mouse. Unlike Microsoft Hololens, the GraphicBox interface had the Kinect on a table (instead of the user’s head), and the virtual objects were shown on normal or 3D displays using anaglyph or 3D glasses (instead of the head-mounted display). Implementing GraphicBox inspired me to start designing holographic Graphic User Interfaces (GUI) including holographic keyboard, menus, file explorer, video conference, which are explained at below.

Holographic library of C# instructions
for GraphicBox mixed reality interface

3D Demo (Anaglyph)

Holographic File Explorer (2013)

3D Demo (Switch “Right/Left” => “Left/Right”  in 3D TVs to watch this video)

Holographic Video Conference (2013)

3D Demo (Switch “Right/Left” => “Left/Right”  in 3D TVs to watch this video)

Holographic Keyboard (2014)

3D Demo (Switch “Right/Left” => “Left/Right”  in 3D TVs to watch this video)

Improving Fingertip Tracking Using Genetic Programming (2014)
